
Michael Afolayan

Michael Afolayan, Αctor, Μusician, Αctivist, Founder of Anasa Cultural Center (GR)

Michael Afolayan is a musician, visual artist, music teacher, actor, African storyteller, teacher of African rhythms and activist. From 2000 until today, he has been very active in the campaign “No to racism from the cradle”, a campaign that was about the human right to citizenship of young people born in Greece, with immigrant origins and specifically with origins from Africa which led to the Citizenship legislation in 2015. 

Founder of the cultural center of African art and culture ANASA, an organization that tries through art and culture to promote an intercultural dialogue with awareness actions, aimed at the public space and educational institutions (Primary, Secondary schools, Universities) but also to empower youths of African origin. He teaches polyrhythms of West Africa (Djembe) using as a starting point, voice, and body, from 2011 till today. He has  Studied classical percussion with, K. Vorisi, K. Theodorako, M. Taliadouros (Snare Drum, timpani, marimba). He has collaborated as an actor – musician with several directors and theatrical actors for the last 10 years (National theatre of Greece, Athenian theatrical company, etc.)

Former member of the thematic groups for the rights of immigrants, Green ecologists and Amnesty International, former secretary general of the Nigerian community. Member of the Immigrant Integration Council. He has worked at the IOM as a Community engagement officer and in camps in an effort to empower and integrate immigrants, refugees and Young Roma.

Photo Pavlos Fysakis

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