
Katerina Vrana

Katerina Vrana, Stand up Comedian (GR)

Katerina Vrana performs stand up comedy in both Greek and English all over the world. Her shows have sold out in Athens, London and at the Edinburgh Fringe and Melbourne comedy festivals. CNN has included her in its list of “Female Comedians you must see”. In December 2016 she came third in Laugh Factory’s international competition “Funniest Person in the World” which was aimed at countries which do not have a tradition in stand-up comedy. In April 2017, while on tour in Malaysia, she fell seriously ill and nearly died. Her show “Staying Alive (I Nearly Died, You Know)” in 2019, about her illness and recovery, sold out before it even started its run.  It remains the fastest-selling, most successful solo stand-up comedy show in Greece to this day.  In 2021-22 she starred as Florence Foster Jenkins in Peter Quilter’s theatre play “Glorious”, garnering rave reviews. And in 2022 and 2023 she is performing her new sold out show in Greece and abroad, called Derbederissa.

Katerina spends most of her time between shows and rehabilitation as she still faces issues with her movement, eyesight and speech.

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