
Alexia Dotsi

Alexia Dotsi is the school’s network ambassador at Museotek based in Athens. Her vision is for Museotek to implement science, technology, arts and critical thinking from museums to schools in the best possible way. She is a theatrologist, actress and academic researcher. She is currently a PhD candidate in the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law of the National Technical University of Athens in the field of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art. Her dissertation focuses on the role art has on children and young people. She holds a master’s degree from Harokopio University of Athens in Education and Culture. Particular attention in her postgraduate studies is paid to involvement in cultural education activities, educational programs, art exhibitions organized by museums, institutions and culture-related stakeholders. 

As a graduate of theatrical studies from University of Patras, she has extensively studied drama, acting, theatrical play, screenplay, directing and has concluded her studies in Athens on direction-scenography and theatrical education in schools. She has attended numerous seminars on culture arts and museology. She runs her own educational programs using theatrical methods and good practices. In her academic life, she has participated as a speaker on several major conferences, highlighting the importance of arts and aesthetics, museum education, philosophy and culture in life.